A $50 Donation Becomes Over $300 In Healthcare for our Neighbors!
There are approximately 30,000 uninsured individuals in Cherokee County. We have nearly 4,000 patient visits a year including men, women, children, veterans, single mothers, working poor, homeless, victims of abuse, recovering addicts, neglected children, and those who are lost and forgotten. In 2019, our Patient Assistance Program provided $3.3 million in free medications to our patients, including expensive insulin and inhalers. We are able to provide high quality healthcare for a fraction of the price due to a dedicated staff, faithful volunteers, students, low-cost labs, and programs that assist charitable clinics. We are able to stretch the dollar to provide for the needs of our neighbors ensuring that they have the tools they need to live a healthy life.
We rely heavily on the generosity of the community to continue to provide free and low-cost care to those in need. Please consider partnering with us today. Our neighbors need healthcare now and cannot wait until the government decides how to address the issue. Together we CAN make a difference TODAY!